Testimonials – 19-year-old woman with Hyperacusis

I am on day 7 of listening training. I feel a change in that the subtler noises (e.g. clicking, swishing, munching, etc.) that used to make me irritated very quickly, now don’t cause me to feel like that, and I don’t even feel like they’re poking a needle in my ears. I still don’t like these noises, but I can tolerate them much more easily. 🙂

Also, my tinnitus used to be as if not only my ears but my whole head was buzzing, and after the first treatment it was as if something had been turned off and there was silence in my head. It’s like there’s a fog around my brain and the ringing in my ears is only in my ears. 🙂

Because of this, I can turn it off much easier now. Also, unfortunately, I get dizzy very easily when I stand up suddenly, in which case my whole head started throbbing before and I heard a rustling in my ears as my heart beats strongly. Since the treatment, this rustling stopped and I could only feel my heartbeat in my chest.

So far I have noticed these, but I am curious whether after the treatment, e.g. how well will I tolerate the street noise? 🙂