Diagnoses connected to hypersensitivite hearing

According to internet searches a lot of people are dealing with hypersensitive hearing. It may appear because hypersensitive hearing is a widespread problem in big cities nowadays where the noise level is huge (WHO – noise), and children are exposed to influences that their nervous system cannot process even at the gestational age. Hypersensitive hearing can be an accompanying symptom in the case of other diagnosed children, and based on the experience of the past years, Intelisten can help dealing with this problem.

By alleviating the hypersensitivity, the appearance of the other symptoms and the entire problem becomes milder.

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What is hypersensitive hearing?

Hypersensitive hearing means that there is a perception and impulse transmission disorder in our nervous system, because of which noises occur more frequently, sound vibrations intensify, and certain types of sounds become louder than they should be.

Living in constant noise and among sudden sound effects means increased stress for our body. We will be irritable and tired, and we will need a quiet, calm environment.

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