Testimonials – Persistent headache in a 15-year-old boy

“My complaints completely disappeared on the 6th day of the training, and this condition has lasted ever since.”

My name is David, I am 15 years old. My problems started a year and a half ago. At first I had a mild headache, my GP suspected puberty and recommended pain relief. These made my life much easier for a few weeks, but I had to take the medicine almost every day, because the headache increased. My family and I went to the doctor again to find a sustainable and effective solution in the long term. Several months of examination began – cardiology, neurology, MR, ultrasound, X-ray, … –  but unfortunately none of them found the cause behind the headache.

My mother accidentally found information about hypersensitive hearing, and it’s true that I didn’t have any complaints about it at school, but when I was a small child, there were many things in my life that are typical for people with hypersensitive hearing.

We performed the necessary assessment and the result supported hypersensitive hearing. Since the training can’t hurt, we decided to give it a chance, even if it doesn’t cause significant changes, since we didn’t see any other solution that could work for me.

Finally, I completed the 10-day training at home in December 2023, it was especially pleasant to be able to choose the music myself. By the way, the filtered music was a bit strange, as if I had heard the sounds more muted, under water, but it was not unpleasant at all.

On the sixth day of the training, I did not wake up in the morning with a headache and did not need to take medicine. The intense headache hasn’t returned since then, and my everyday life has become much easier and more comfortable.
The customer service was very efficient, when I had a question they helped me immediately.

I’m so glad we found this listening training, it was worth every minute.

Symptom alleviation solution

Alleviate increased sound sensitivity symptoms

Discover relief from hearing sensitivity symptoms with Intelisten’s effective 10-day training program. Our specialized approach targets the root causes of sensitive hearing, offering a comprehensive solution for alleviating symptoms related to conditions like ASD, ADHD, and misophonia. Join the countless individuals who have benefited from our research-backed methodology, now available to help individuals in the US manage their hearing sensitivity effectively.

Experience a significant improvement in noise tolerance, perception, and processing abilities, enhancing your daily experiences and quality of life.

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